The AGEMI app is available for Android and iOS and invites users to A.C.T. for gender equality in and through the media.

A for Assess

Assess news content in relation to gender equality and balance, with suggested questions to ask of a news story. On the basis of the answers, a score is given to the story.  

C for Challenge

Based on your assessment of the news story, you can let the news outlet know what you think about it by emailing the editor, using a template you can download from the AGEMI website.  The app offers tips on how to prepare your email text to be most effective.

T for Transform

We invite journalists, students, citizens, NGOs to share news stories, videos and other materials to demonstrate what gender-transformative media and communication looks like. If you have something you would like to share, you can use the app to email us and send us a link to your materials, including a short description. AGEMI will make it visible to a global audience.
Our app is now available on Google Play and on the App Store. Click here to go to the Download page

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Last modified: Tuesday, 3 December 2019, 5:01 PM